Saturday, February 21, 2009

shock collar

Today, I started to put in a electric fence for Chloe, so she didn't have to be tied up anymore. It was more work than I thought, and I'm not quit finished. It's a lot of digging to bury the wire. I do have it laid out, and 60% buried. I put the collar on Chloe, and tried it out. Did the training with her, and I think I put her into shock. Now she doesn't want to go off the porch. Later in the evening, she saw something in the next yard, and forgot about the yellow flags, and started to run out of the yard, and like hitting a brick wall, the shock collar blasted her, and she cried like a baby. I felt so bad, but I know in the long run, she will have more freedom.
I'm glad God doesn't put a shock collar on us. Don't think I could take the pain. I forget where the yellow flags are sometimes, and run into them. I'm glad God is more loving than me. Maybe someday, I'll be more like him

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Chloe is a Yellow Lab, almost 2 years old. She's still a kid, and acts like one too. Did you see the movie, Marley and Me, ? Chloe is not that bad. If she were, she would probably be living with some one else. Chloe is a good dog most of the time. She has this thing with invisible bugs, or something invisible out in the yard. She spends most of her time wrapping her self around the trees in the yard chasing these invisible things. I've looked, and I don't see them. What ever they are. It keeps Chloe occupied, and in shape with all that bouncing, and jumping on invisible things. What's great about Chloe, and most other dogs, is how much they love you. You can forget to feed them, water them, play with them, and they still love you. Dogs are kind of like God. We do the same to Him. We ignore him, don't talk to Him, don't listen, and sometimes we don'g care about Him. The great thing is, just like our dogs, He still loves us. Pretty amazing isn't it? To think that any one could love us the way we are. I know Vanessa loves me, but if I didn't give her any more attention than I do Chloe, or even God some times, I'm not sure how long she would love me. I've been pretty mean to her some times, but just like God, she still loves me. I'm a lucky man. My dog loves me, my wife loves me, and God loves me. I hope your as lucky too.